Fees & Charges

Simple Guide to Fees
& Charges for Sydney Residential Care

Family operated residential care

We pride ourselves on providing the best clinical care for Sydney's residents

Fees and charges

The need to move into residential aged care can be an unexpected and sudden surprise, and we’re here to make this journey easier for you. We know that trying to make sense of all the complicated fees and charges in a short amount of time can be daunting.

We suggest you start at the Federal Government’s My Aged Care website for a basic outline of what you might or might not need to pay, depending on your means. As a rough guide, the more means you have, the more the government will require you to contribute to the costs (which are capped).

Daily Care fees

Daily Care fees are paid by all residents, which are set by the Federal Department of Health. You will never be asked to pay more than you can afford for basic daily care, which is about 85% of the full aged pension. This fee costs the same and is paid by every resident in every aged care home in Australia.

Means-tested fees

You may be required to pay or contribute towards accommodation costs. How much will depend on the Federal Government’s assessment of your income and assets, which sets maximum limits on how much you’ll be asked to pay.

For a detailed explanation of accommodation costs at aged care facilities, please see
Aged care home costs and fees at the Federal Government’s official My Aged Care website. Feel free to contact accounts@homewoodcare.com.au or Reception on 02 9503 1800 if you have any questions.

If you are required to pay

If you are assessed as being required to pay for your accommodation, you can use a:

  • lump-sum payment, called a ‘Refundable Accommodation Deposit’ (RAD)
  • regular rental-type payment called a ‘Daily Accommodation Payment’ (DAP), or
  • combination of both.

You’ll have 28 days from the day you enter an aged care home to decide on your payment method. Until you make this decision, you are required to pay your accommodation costs by a rental-type ‘Daily Accommodation Payment’ (DAP). We encourage you to consult an aged care financial planner for help with choosing the best option for your situation.

The services we offer all residents at no extra cost include:

  • Physiotherapy assessment to enhance mobility and reduce pain
  • Podiatry and other allied health services
  • Pharmacy deliveries daily
  • Activity program with a variety of social events
  • Menu designed by a dietician
  • Laundry

Optional care and services available at extra cost with Homewood Club:

  • Beauty therapy
  • Hairdressing
  • Newspaper or magazines delivery
  • Escort to external appointments
  • Bus outings
  • Phone call costs
  • Superior Laundry Service

Lifestyle Services with Homewood Club

  • Homewood Gardens at $34.95/day with a package of benefits that includes a
    daily package value of $77
  • Single Rooms in Homewood at $19.95/day  with a daily package value of $46

RAD and DAP charges

Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) and Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) fees apply to financial residents only.

If you are required to pay

Basic daily fees are $63.57 per day.

Homewood Accommodation Fees

Single Room


Homewood Single Room Ensuite

Room Size

Approx. 13m²

Maximum RAD* Payable


Maximum DAP** Payments 8.42%


Example of combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment

Example 50% RAD


Example 50% DAP 8.42%


Book a nursing home room tour

Single Room


Shared Ensuite

Homewood SIngle Room Shared Ensuite

Room Size

Approx. 15m²

Maximum RAD* Payable


Maximum DAP** Payments



Example of combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment

Example 50% RAD


Example 50% DAP 8.42%


Book a single room tour

2 Bed Companion Room

Shared Ensuite

Homewood 2 Bedroom with  shared bathroom

Room Size

Approx. 25-30m²

Maximum RAD* Payable $500,000

Maximum DAP** Payments



Example of combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment

Example 50% RAD


Example 50% DAP 8.42%


Book 2 bed nursing home tour

Homewood Gardens Fees

Please note Homewood Club Gold Package fees applies to all admissions in Homewood Gardens, in addition to the accommodation fees below.

Single Room


Homewood Gardens Single Room

Room Size

Approx. 28m²

Maximum RAD* Payable


Maximum DAP** Payments



Example of combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment

Example 50% RAD


Example 50% DAP 8.42%


Book a Gardens Single Room tour

Deluxe Single Room



Homewood Gardens Deluxe Single Room

Room Size

Approx. 32m²

Maximum RAD* Payable


Maximum DAP** Payments on



Example of combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment

Example 50% RAD


Example 50% DAP 8.42%


Deluxe Single Room

Deluxe Ensuite

Homewood Gardens  2 bedrooms Shared Room

Room Size

Approx. 32m²

Maximum RAD* Payable


Maximum DAP** Payments 8.42%


Example of combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment

Example 50% RAD


Example 50% DAP 8.42%


Book a Gardens Suite tour
homewood Club

As a family owned and operated business, the health and wellbeing of our residents is what drives us to deliver the best in care and services that make all the difference to their happiness.

Homewood Club gives you choices  of the various lifestyle activities, entertainment, dining, equipment and services we offer.

Rooms Extras Gold Platinum
Brand new pillows yes yes
King single electric bed yes yes
Personal bar fridge management - resident supplied - yes
Pillow menu yes yes
Private telephone - free local and interstate calls included yes yes
Branded Quality Personal Toiletries & Bathroom Products yes yes
Entertainment & Technology Gold Platinum
Family video conferencing yes yes
Flat Screen Smart TV yes yes
Internet / Wi-Fi yes yes
IT helpdesk yes yes
Radio Clock yes yes
Foxtel - yes
Earphones yes -
Wellbeing & Social Activities Gold Platinum
Personal birthday cake yes yes
Personal Equipment & Services Gold Platinum
Companion overnight in-room accommodation - yes
Credit card payment facility yes yes
Daily personal postage service yes yes
Dedicated personal mobility aids yes yes
Podiatrist -every 6 weeks yes yes
Simple clothing repairs yes yes
Test and tagging of personal electrical items yes yes
Upgrade to printed clothing labels yes yes
Washing of delicate items yes yes
Dining & Drinks Gold Platinum
Chef prepared meals yes yes
Happy Hour - weekly yes yes
Meal room service yes yes
Meals cooked onsite yes yes
Meal Takeaway Service yes yes
Cost Gold Platinum
Package Daily Fee $19.95 $34.95
Package Daily Value $46.00 $77

Optional Services

Entertainment & Technology Cost Frequency
Cultural TV channel subscription As per price list per month
Daily newspaper or weekly magazine As per price list per month
Personal Equipment & Services Cost Frequency
Carer escort -appointments, shopping and more $75.00 per hour
Dry cleaning -includes pick-up and deliver As per price list per item
Hairdressing As per price list per item
Private carer $75.00 per hour
Private physiotherapist $125.00 per hour

1 Standard Rate. Residents assessed as Government Supported by the Department of Human Services or Department of Veteran Affairs will be charged a maximum of $4.95 per day (indexed annually).

2 Club Package = Homewood, Gold Package = Homewood Gardens

Homewood Care Accommodation - FAQ's

  • How do I pay for Residential Accommodation Care?

    If you are required to pay for your accommodation, you have greater choice in how you pay. You can use a:

    • lump-sum payment, called a ‘refundable accommodation deposit’
    • regular rental-type payment called a ‘daily accommodation payment’, 
    • or a combination of both.

    If you are required to pay an accommodation payment, you will have 28 days from the day you entered care to decide on your payment method.

    Until you decide on your ongoing payment method, you will need to pay your accommodation costs by rental-type ‘daily accommodation payment’ until you decide on your ongoing payment method.

  • How does the Refundable Accommodation Deposit work?

    If you choose to make your payment as a lump sum, this is called a ‘refundable accommodation deposit’. 

    A refundable accommodation deposit works like an interest-free loan to Homewood Care. The balance of the deposit is refunded when you leave the home less any amounts you have agreed to have deducted.

  • What type of payment methods do you accept?
    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Daily accommodation deposit

    Instead of paying for your accommodation as a lump sum you can choose to pay as periodic payments. The amount you pay is based on a daily rate which is why this type of payment is called a daily accommodation payment. However, you will pay in instalments up to a month in advance. Daily accommodation payments, unless you have paid in advance, are not refundable if you leave the aged care home.

  • Do you offer paying in a combination?

    You can choose to pay for your accommodation as a part lump-sum refundable accommodation deposit and part rental-type payment known as ‘daily accommodation payments’.

  • Where do I find financial advise on residential care?

    The payment method which is most suitable for you will depend on your personal and financial situation. You may want to consult with a financial adviser before you make a decision. There are various government services and resources that can help you obtain appropriate financial advice. It’s a good idea to do some research to see what options work best for you.

    For example, choosing a particular payment method may affect your pension, if you receive one.

  • Drawing down your refundable accommodation deposit

    If you choose a combination approach, there is the option to have your rental-type daily accommodation payment taken out of your lump-sum refundable accommodation deposit.

    This will mean that the total amount in your refundable accommodation deposit will be reduced over time as your daily accommodation payment is deducted.

    As your refundable accommodation deposit is reduced, your provider may ask you to top up your refundable accommodation deposit or pay a higher daily accommodation payment.

    If you would like to discuss the fees in detail please book a visit with the CEO. All residents are encouraged to seek independent financial advice before entering into an agreement. Centrelink provide a free service to advise on Residential Care fees.

  • Department of Health - Residential Care Fees and Charges

    To obtain an updated list of Residential Care Fees and Charges please visit the Department of Health website.

Need More Help? 

If we haven't answered all you Frequently Asked Questions, please contact reception on 02 9503 1800

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